Technology’s integration into education has completely changed how people study nowadays. One example of this change is Pakistan’s Virtual University (VU), which provides its students with a variety of virtual materials, the most important of which are VU handouts.
These handouts are vital resources for students, giving them succinct overviews, important ideas, and additional information to improve their comprehension of a range of subjects.
Sr. # | Course Name | Course Code | Download Link |
1 | Fundamentals of Auditing | ACC311 | Free Download ACC311 Handouts PDF (Updated) |
2 | Business Finance | ACC501 | |
3 | Bioinformatics I | BIF401 | |
4 | Ethical and Legal Issues in Bioinformatics | BIF402 | |
5 | Bioinformatics II | BIF501 | |
6 | Bioinformatics Computing I | BIF601 | |
7 | Bioinformatics Computing II | BIF602 | |
8 | Advanced Bioinformatics | BIF731 | |
9 | Advanced Computing Approaches | BIF732 | |
10 | Bioinformatics I (Essentials of Genome Informatics) | BIF733 | |
11 | Cell Biology | BIO201 | |
12 | Biochemistry-I | BIO202 | |
13 | Methods in Molecular Biology | BIO203 | |
14 | Principles of Biochemical Engineering | BIO204 | |
15 | Essentials of Genetics | BIO301 | |
16 | Molecular Biology | BIO302 | |
17 | Biochemistry II | BIO303 | |
18 | Biostatistics | BIO401 | |
19 | Genomics | BIO502 | |
20 | Advanced Molecular Biology | BIO731 | |
21 | Gene Manipulation and Genetic Engineering | BIO732 | |
22 | Applied Biostatistics | BIO733 | |
23 | Advances in Cell Biology | BIO734 | |
24 | Banking Laws & Practices | BNK601 | |
25 | Consumer Banking | BNK603 | |
26 | Islamic Banking Practices | BNK610 | |
27 | Economic Ideology in Islam | BNK611 | |
28 | Financial Jurisprudence in Islam | BNK612 | |
29 | Islamic Ethics in Business | BNK613 | |
30 | Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution-I | BT101 | |
31 | Microbiology | BT102 | |
32 | Introduction to Biotechnology | BT301 | |
33 | Immunology | BT302 | |
34 | Food Biotechnology | BT404 | |
35 | Research Methodology & Skill Enhancement | BT406 | |
36 | Health Biotechnology | BT501 | |
37 | Environment Biotechnology | BT503 | |
38 | Genomics and Proteomics | BT504 | |
39 | Fermentation Technology | BT603 | |
40 | Biosafety & Bioethics | BT605 | |
41 | Modern Biotechnology: Principles & Applications | BT731 | |
42 | Genetics & Genomics | BT732 | |
43 | Bioethics, Biosecurity and Biosafety | BT733 | |
44 | Research Methods in Biotechnology | BT734 | |
45 | Advances in Fermentation Technology | BT735 | |
46 | Analytical Chemistry & Instrumentation | CHE301 | |
47 | Introduction to Computing | CS101 | |
48 | Introduction to Programming | CS201 | |
49 | Fundamentals of Front End Development | CS202 | |
50 | Information Security | CS205 | |
51 | Introduction to Network Design & Analysis | CS206 | |
52 | Data Structures | CS301 | |
53 | Digital Logic Design | CS302 | |
54 | Object Oriented Programming | CS304 | |
55 | Introduction to Web Services Development | CS311 | |
56 | Database Modeling and Design | CS312 | |
57 | Network Security | CS315 | |
58 | Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming | CS401 | |
59 | Theory of Automata | CS402 | |
60 | Database Management Systems | CS403 | |
61 | Database Programming using Oracle 11g | CS405 | |
62 | Routing and Switching | CS407 | |
63 | Human Computer Interaction | CS408 | |
64 | Visual Programming | CS410 | |
65 | Visual Programming | CS411 | |
66 | Network Modeling and Simulation | CS432 | |
67 | Cloud Computing | CS435 | |
68 | Advance Computer Architecture | CS501 | |
69 | Fundamentals of Algorithms | CS502 | |
70 | Software Engineering – I | CS504 | |
71 | Web Design and Development | CS506 | |
72 | Information Systems | CS507 | |
73 | Modern Programming Languages | CS508 | |
74 | Data Communication | CS601 | |
75 | Computer Graphics | CS602 | |
76 | Software Architecture and Design | CS603 | |
77 | Operating Systems | CS604 | |
78 | Software Engineering II | CS605 | |
79 | Compiler Construction | CS606 | |
80 | Artificial Intelligence | CS607 | |
81 | System Programming | CS609 | |
82 | Computer Networks | CS610 | |
83 | Software Quality Engineering | CS611 | |
84 | Data Warehousing | CS614 | |
85 | Software Project Management | CS615 | |
86 | Modelling and Simulation | CS620 | |
87 | Theory of Computation | CS701 | |
88 | Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design | CS702 | |
89 | Advanced Operating Systems | CS703 | |
90 | Advanced Computer Architecture-II | CS704 | |
91 | Software Quality Assurance | CS706 | |
92 | Network Security | CS707 | |
93 | Software Requirement Engineering | CS708 | |
94 | Formal Methods for Software Engineering | CS709 | |
95 | Mobile and Pervasive Computing | CS710 | |
96 | Software Design | CS711 | |
97 | Distributed DBMS | CS712 | |
98 | Object Oriented DBMS | CS713 | |
99 | Advanced Computer Networks | CS716 | |
100 | Wireless Networks | CS718 | |
101 | Network Performance Evaluation | CS721 | |
102 | Probability and Stochastic Processes | CS723 | |
103 | Software Process Improvement | CS724 | |
104 | Data Mining | CS725 | |
105 | Information Retrieval Techniques | CS726 | |
106 | Economics | ECO401 | |
107 | Microeconomics | ECO402 | |
108 | Macroeconomics | ECO403 | |
109 | Managerial Economics | ECO404 | |
110 | Development Economics | ECO501 | |
111 | Business Econometrics | ECO601 | |
112 | International Economics | ECO603 | |
113 | Mathematical Economics I | ECO606 | |
114 | Poverty and Income Distribution | ECO615 | |
115 | Foundations of Education | EDU101 | |
116 | Learning Theories | EDU201 | |
117 | General Methods of Teaching | EDU301 | |
118 | Child Development | EDU303 | |
119 | Introduction to Guidance and Counseling | EDU304 | |
120 | Classroom Management | EDU305 | |
121 | Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education | EDU401 | |
122 | Curriculum Development | EDU402 | |
123 | Art, Crafts and Calligraphy | EDU403 | |
124 | Classroom Testing and Assessment | EDU404 | |
125 | Classroom Assessment | EDU405 | |
126 | Critical Thinking and Reflective Practice | EDU406 | |
127 | Teaching of Literacy Skills | EDU410 | |
128 | Teaching of Urdu | EDU411 | |
129 | ICT in Education | EDU430 | |
130 | Test Development & Evaluation | EDU431 | |
131 | School, Community and Teacher | EDU501 | |
132 | Education Development in Pakistan | EDU505 | |
133 | Teaching of Mathematics | EDU510 | |
134 | Teaching of Islamic Studies | EDU512 | |
135 | Teaching of Geography | EDU515 | |
136 | Teaching of English | EDU516 | |
137 | Philosophy of Education | EDU601 | |
138 | Educational Leadership and Management | EDU602 | |
139 | Educational Governance Policy and Practice | EDU603 | |
140 | Comparative Education | EDU604 | |
141 | Addressing Problems of Learning through Technology and Pedagogy | EDU654 | |
142 | Writing for Research | EDU705 | |
143 | Quantitative Research Methods in Education | EDU712 | |
144 | Elementary English | ENG001 | |
145 | English Comprehension | ENG101 | |
146 | Business and Technical English Writing | ENG201 | |
147 | Business Communication | ENG301 | |
148 | History of English Language | ENG501 | |
149 | Introduction to Linguistics | ENG502 | |
150 | Introduction to English Language Teaching | ENG503 | |
151 | Second Language Acquisition | ENG504 | |
152 | Language Learning Theories | ENG505 | |
153 | World Englishes | ENG506 | |
154 | Phonetics and Phonology | ENG507 | |
155 | Semantics and Pragmatics | ENG508 | |
156 | Morphology and Syntax | ENG509 | |
157 | Sociolinguistics | ENG510 | |
158 | Psycholinguistics | ENG511 | |
159 | Bilingualism | ENG512 | |
160 | Language Teaching Methods | ENG513 | |
161 | Teaching of Reading and Writing Skills | ||
162 | Teaching Business Communication | ENG516 | |
163 | Research Methodology in ELT | ENG518 | |
164 | Curriculum Design | ENG519 | |
165 | Ethics (for Non-Muslims) | ETH202 | |
166 | Advanced Financial Accounting | FIN611 | |
167 | Financial Statement Analysis | FIN621 | |
168 | Corporate Finance | FIN622 | |
169 | Taxation Management | FIN623 | |
170 | Credit & Risk Management | FIN625 | |
171 | Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management | FIN630 | |
172 | Financial Management in Education | FIN701 | |
173 | Advanced Molecular Genetics | GEN731 | |
174 | Advanced Cytogenetics | GEN732 | |
175 | General Science | GSC101 | |
176 | Teaching of General Science | GSC201 | |
`177 | Performance Management | HRM613 | |
178 | Training and Development | HRM617 | |
179 | Conflict Management | HRM624 | |
180 | Recruitment and selection | HRM626 | |
181 | Human Resource Development | HRM627 | |
182 | Performance Management | HRM713 | |
183 | Islamic Studies | ISL201 | |
184 | E-Commerce | IT430 | |
185 | Camera Basics, Principles and Practices | MCD401 | |
186 | Lighting for TV Production | MCD402 | |
187 | Music Production | MCD403 | |
188 | Audio-Visual Editing | MCD404 | |
189 | TV Direction | MCD501 | |
190 | Script Writing | MCD502 | |
191 | TV News and Current Affairs | MCD503 | |
192 | Acting and Performance | MCD504 | |
193 | Introduction to Mass Communication | MCM101 | |
194 | Communication Skills | MCM301 | |
195 | Mass Media in Pakistan | MCM304 | |
196 | Journalistic Writing | MCM310 | |
197 | Reporting and Sub-Editing | MCM311 | |
198 | Fundamentals of Public Relations | MCM401 | |
199 | Globalization of Media | MCM404 | |
200 | Introduction to Broadcasting | MCM411 | |
201 | Advertising for Print and Electronic Media | MCM501 | |
202 | Theories of Communication | MCM511 | |
203 | Feature & Column Writing | MCM514 | |
204 | Radio News Reporting & Production | MCM515 | |
205 | TV News Reporting & Production | MCM516 | |
206 | International Communication | MCM604 | |
207 | Mass Communication Law & Ethics | MCM610 | |
208 | Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611) | MGMT611 | |
209 | Supply Chain Management | MGMT614 | |
210 | Transportation & Logistics Management | MGMT615 | |
211 | Production Planning and Inventory Control | MGMT617 | |
212 | Management Skills | MGMT622 | |
213 | Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=HRM623) | MGMT623 | |
214 | Change Management | MGMT625 | |
215 | Project Management | MGMT627 | |
216 | Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628) | MGMT628 | |
217 | Crisis Management | MGMT629 | |
218 | Knowledge Management | MGMT630 | |
219 | Enterprise Resource Planning | MGMT631 | |
220 | Advanced Transportation & Logistics Management | MGMT715 | |
221 | Project Management | MGMT727 | |
222 | Theory & Practice of Enterprise Resource Planning | MGMT731 | |
223 | Financial Accounting | MGT101 | |
224 | Introduction to Public Administration | MGT111 | |
225 | Financial Management | MGT201 | |
226 | Introduction To Business | MGT211 | |
227 | Principles of Marketing | MGT301 | |
228 | Financial Accounting II | MGT401 | |
229 | Cost & Management Accounting | MGT402 | |
230 | Managerial Accounting | MGT404 | |
231 | Money & Banking | MGT411 | |
232 | Human Resource Management | MGT501 | |
233 | Organizational Behaviour | MGT502 | |
234 | Principles of Management | MGT503 | |
235 | Organization Theory & Design | MGT504 | |
236 | Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510) | MGT510 | |
237 | Public Administration in Pakistan | MGT513 | |
238 | International Business | MGT520 | |
239 | Introduction to Public Policy | MGT522 | |
240 | SME Management | MGT601 | |
241 | Entrepreneurship | MGT602 | |
242 | Strategic Management | MGT603 | |
243 | Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604) | MGT604 | |
244 | Business Ethics | MGT610 | |
245 | Business & Labor Law | MGT611 | |
246 | Corporate Law | MGT612 | |
247 | Production / Operations Management | MGT613 | |
248 | Administrative Law and Accountability | MGT621 | |
249 | Strategic Management | MGT703 | |
250 | Advanced Cost and Management Accounting | MGT705 | |
251 | Marketing Management | MKT501 | |
252 | Export Marketing | MKT529 | |
253 | Consumer Behaviour | MKT530 | |
254 | Strategic Marketing Management | MKT603 | |
255 | Customer Relationship Management | MKT610 | |
256 | Marketing Research | MKT611 | |
257 | Advertising & Promotion | MKT621 | |
258 | Brand Management | MKT624 | |
259 | Services Marketing | MKT625 | |
260 | Retail Management | MKT626 | |
261 | Sales Management | MKT627 | |
262 | International Marketing | MKT630 | |
263 | Elementary Mathematics | MTH001 | |
264 | General Mathematics | MTH100 | |
265 | Calculus And Analytical Geometry | MTH101 | |
266 | Basic Algebra and Trigonometry | MTH102 | |
267 | Multivariable Calculus | MTH201 | |
268 | Discrete Mathematics | MTH202 | |
269 | Calculus II | MTH301 | |
270 | Business Mathematics & Statistics | MTH302 | |
271 | Mathematical Methods | MTH303 | |
272 | Differential Equations | MTH401 | |
273 | Linear Algebra | MTH501 | |
274 | Operations Research | MTH601 | |
275 | Numerical Analysis | MTH603 | |
276 | Real Analysis I | MTH621 | |
277 | Vectors and Classical Mechanics | MTH622 | |
278 | Real Analysis II | MTH631 | |
279 | Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry | MTH632 | |
280 | Group Theory | MTH633 | |
281 | Topology | MTH634 | |
282 | Functional Analysis | MTH641 | |
283 | Advanced Differential Equations | MTH701 | |
284 | Advanced Linear Algebra | MTH706 | |
285 | Advanced Fluid Dynamics | MTH712 | |
286 | Topics in Numerical Methods | MTH718 | |
287 | Commutative Algebra | MTH721 | |
288 | Governance, Democracy and Society | PAD603 | |
289 | Pakistan Studies | PAK301 | |
290 | Pakistan Studies | PAK302 | |
291 | Physics | PHY101 | |
292 | Circuit Theory | PHY301 | |
293 | International Relations | PSC201 | |
294 | Public International Law | PSC401 | |
295 | Introduction to Psychology | PSY101 | |
296 | Clinical Psychology | PSY401 | |
297 | Social Psychology | PSY403 | |
298 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY404 | |
299 | Personality Psychology | PSY405 | |
300 | Educational Psychology | PSY406 | |
301 | Sport Psychology | PSY407 | |
302 | Health Psychology | PSY408 | |
303 | Positive Psychology | PSY409 | |
304 | History & Systems of Psychology | PSY502 | |
305 | Cognitive Psychology | PSY504 | |
306 | Organizational Psychology | PSY510 | |
307 | Environmental Psychology | PSY511 | |
308 | Gender Issues in Psychology | PSY512 | |
309 | Forensic Psychology | PSY513 | |
310 | Consumer Psychology | PSY514 | |
311 | Neurological Bases of Behavior | PSY610 | |
312 | Psychological Testing & Measurements | PSY631 | |
313 | Theory & Practice of Counseling | PSY632 | |
314 | Power System Planning and Analysis (Basic) | SEC001 | |
315 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC101 | |
316 | Introduction to Social Work | SOC301 | |
317 | Sociological Theories | SOC302 | |
318 | Cultural Anthropology | SOC401 | |
319 | Sociological Perspectives | SOC402 | |
320 | Gender Studies | SOC403 | |
321 | Social Policy and Governance | SOC601 | |
322 | Sociology of Development | SOC603 | |
323 | General Mathematics and Biostatistics | STA100 | |
324 | Statistics and Probability | STA301 | |
325 | Time Series Analysis | STA621 | |
326 | Research Methods | STA630 | |
327 | Inferential Statistics | STA631 | |
328 | Sampling Techniques | STA632 | |
329 | Probability Distributions | STA642 | |
330 | Experimental Designs | STA643 | |
331 | Non-Parametric Statistics | STA644 | |
332 | Advance Research Methods | STA730 | |
333 | Urdu | URD101 | |
334 | Animal Form & Function-I | ZOO301 | |
335 | Animal Physiology and Behavior | ZOO502 | |
336 | Zoogeography and Paleontology | ZOO503 | |
337 | Wildlife | ZOO504 | |
338 | Cell and Molecular Biology | ZOO505 | |
339 | Advanced Analytical Techniques | ZOO731 |
What exactly do VU handouts entail, and how do they distinguish themselves from conventional textbooks?
VU handouts refer to digital materials provided by Virtual University, containing condensed course content, pivotal concepts, and supplementary materials. Unlike traditional textbooks, they offer convenience, accessibility, and regularly updated content tailored to specific courses.
Are VU handouts adequate for preparing for examinations?
While VU handouts provide comprehensive coverage of course materials, supplementing them with additional resources such as lecture notes, practice questions, and reference texts can bolster exam preparation and ensure a more profound grasp of the subject matter.
Is it possible to access VU handouts offline?
Indeed, VU handouts can be downloaded and accessed offline through the Virtual University’s online portal. Once downloaded, students can peruse handouts at their convenience, regardless of internet connectivity.
How frequently are VU handouts revised?
VU handouts undergo periodic revisions to ensure they remain current and pertinent. Updates are prompted by emerging research, alterations in curriculum criteria, and feedback from instructors and students.
Do VU handouts cater to students with disabilities?
Yes, Virtual University ensures that VU handouts are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. Handouts are crafted to be compatible with assistive technologies like screen readers, and alternative formats are available upon request.
Can VU handouts be shared with peers or acquaintances?
While discussing and collaborating on course materials with classmates is permissible, distributing VU handouts beyond Virtual University’s student community may infringe upon copyright regulations. It is imperative to respect intellectual property rights and utilize handouts solely for educational purposes.
What avenues are available for providing feedback or suggestions to enhance VU handouts?
Virtual University encourages students to offer feedback and suggestions for refining VU handouts. This can be accomplished through official channels like course evaluations, online forums, or direct communication with instructors and administrative personnel.
Are VU handouts accessible for all courses and programs?
Indeed, VU handouts are accessible for a diverse array of courses and programs offered by Virtual University. Whether one is pursuing studies in business, computer science, humanities, or any other field, they are likely to have access to handouts pertinent to their coursework.
Is there a process for requesting specific topics to be addressed in VU handouts?
While students cannot directly request specific topics to be covered in VU handouts, they can provide feedback to instructors and course coordinators regarding areas where additional clarification or expansion may be beneficial. Instructors utilize this feedback to enhance the relevance and comprehensiveness of handouts.
What measures can be taken to ensure the effective utilization of VU handouts in academic studies?
To utilize VU handouts effectively, it is essential to engage in active reading, create personalized study aids, seek clarification when necessary, and integrate handouts into one’s revision and exam preparation strategies. By adopting these approaches, students can optimize the utility of VU handouts and enrich their learning experience.